In order to book your appointment, you need to follow the steps below. If you have problems, verify twice the information and contact us through our e-mail.
Choose the service that you purchased or want to have.
Click the bottom "Book Now"
Choose the date and time of your preference.
Click "Next".
Fill in all the information as instructed. (Remember to add the number of order/s or Voucher Number/s, provided at the end of the purchase.)
After having everything ready, press "Book It".
After getting to the confirmation page, you are all set up.
We make your appointment, if you have any inconvenience or if you prefer, send us an email (, with the following information: name and surname, full address of the house or building, class of service, contact telephone number , voucher number, preferences for the day and time of the appointment. We will send you an email with your confirmation.
Our Services
1 hr 30 min
2 hr 30 min
1 hr 30 min